Blog Post Header Image The Postulates of Relativity and Their Implications 1

The Postulates of Relativity and Their Implications 1

Many physicists, including both Lorentz and Michelson, were reluctant to abandon the ether. Although Lorentz quickly accepted Einstein's relativity, he continued to maintain that a medium of some kind is needed as the carrier of …

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Blog Post Header Image GALILEAN RELATIVITY 1


Special relativity implies that moving clocks run slow. That is itself a strange result, but clocks running backward would be too much to swallow. No such disaster arises, however. In the case of the moths, …

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Blog Post Header Image A Brief History of Cosmology and Galaxy Formation 1

A Brief History of Cosmology and Galaxy Formation 1

Newton agreed with Bentley that providence had designed a universe of  infinite extent in which uniformly distributed stars stand poised in unstable  equilibrium like needles on their points (Harrison, 1987).

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Imagination is more important than knowledge. Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
--- Albert Einstein

If you judge people, you have no time to love them
----Mother Teresa